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NISTM Conference Reinforces CorroLogic® Position in Tank Protection Industry

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2024/1/13 9:38:29 frequency:

The NISTM 16th Annual National Aboveground Storage Tank Conference & Trade Show was a great time for Cortec® to bring CorroLogic® solutions to the world of ASTs (aboveground storage tanks) and simultaneously absorb a better understanding of this critical market.

Traffic was great during the brief but concentrated day-and-a-half expo, allowing our highly skilled team (Eric Uutala, Bob Boyle, Jim Holden, Judy Wolf and some local distributors) to educate a mix of tank constructors, midstream operators, service companies, and others on CorroLogic® Technology. As usual, VpCI® Emitters and our steel wool demo bottles served as great launching points to explain VpCI® on a small and large scale. Another common topic of conversation was the use of CorroLogic® VpCI® in conjunction with existing cathodic protection systems.

During the conference technical program, our Technical Sales and Product Manager – Asset Preservation and CorroLogic® Products, Eric Uutala, contributed an in-depth presentation on CorroLogic® for ASTs. He started with a discussion of soil-side corrosion and CorroLogic® protection and went on to share real-world examples of CorroLogic® in use at different phases of the tank life cycle: new construction, in-service, and out-of-service. Eric wrapped up by talking about how CorroLogic® fits in with new and forthcoming industry standards (e.g., PHMSA and AMPP), and how these standards are strengthening the position of CorroLogic® as an accepted industry practice.

NISTM was also a great time to enhance our understanding of storage tank management. In particular, Eric was impressed by two presentations he attended on industry standards—one related to the use of VCI/VpCI®, the other related to regulations for different types of tanks. “All of this is critical information as we pursue new business opportunities,” Eric noted. He came away feeling that Cortec® has both a very strong position and exciting potential in this industry. “[M]y key takeaway is that VpCI® is becoming more and more of an accepted option in the AST world, and Cortec® is poised to be on the front line of this industry, with our 2+ decades of experience with AST floor preservation,” Eric reported.

These are indeed exciting times in the field of AST bottom protection, and we appreciate those of you who took time to explore and share CorroLogic® as we continue our journey to more widespread application. We look forward to greater involvement in the industry as increasing numbers of tank owners and managers wake up to the advantages of CorroLogic® for ASTs.

Copyright:Qingdao Cortec Rust Proof Materials Co., Ltd.