How to Avoid Mud Cracking When Applying Anticorrosion Coatings
Source:本站 Time:2022/6/13 9:53:46 frequency:
How Can You Prevent Mud Cracking?
The solution for preventing mud cracking is extremely simple: follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for coating thickness. The coating manufacturer already knows how the coating will behave and usually provides both a wet film thickness (WFT) and a dry film thickness (DFT) recommendation on the product data sheet. To avoid mud cracking, the coating applicator simply needs to apply the recommended WFT, measuring coating thickness with a WFT gauge to make sure it is correct.
Remember to Follow Instructions!
Often the best way to achieve success is right in front of us. By following WFT recommendations on a coating’s technical data sheet, painters can avoid unnecessary problems and rework caused by mud cracking. Contact Cortec® for more coating application tips and advice on selecting an anticorrosion coating for your specific application: