
Qingdao Kede Shengdi

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Surface pretreatment method for metal

Source: Time:2014-07-09 10:09:11 views:

A. Surface cleaning: before coating RP oil, the metal shall be cleaned, which has a great impact on the RP effect in the future. Thif-301 water-based oil cleaning agent and THIF-305 solvent cleaning agent can be applied for cleaning.

B. Dry surface: the drier the metal surface is, the better RP effect is. If there is a small amount of water on the surface, use dewatering RP oil. After cleaning, dry with compressed air.


Qingdao Cortec Rust Proof Materials Co., Ltd., the General Agent in China authorized by CORTEC Mobile phone:13505352885 Telephone:0532-80989502 Alibaba shop link click on the entrance Address:Room 2073, No. 12, chongmingdao East Road, Qingdao Economic Development Zone
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Qingdao Cortec Rust Proof Materials Co., Ltd.,